Insights into Effectiveness through Data Science

Insights: Case Studies

Small Business Credit Risk Infrastructure

A Small Business (SMB) lender in the US approached 2OS to aid in the creation and implementation of a custom credit risk model, valuations model, and a full credit policy. The new credit infrastructure supported future opportunities to increase origination volume of profitable, low-risk loans.

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Fraud Association Networks

Fraud detection and prevention are critical concerns in today’s industry. At 2OS, our team of fraud experts is committed to guiding our clients toward optimal fraud outcomes. Explore our latest case study to discover how we utilized association networks to help a large bank reduce false positives, predict linkage influence, and uncover fraud schemes.

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Initial Line Assignment & Credit Line Increase Policies

A regional credit union in the US approached 2OS to aid in the implementation of its new Initial Line Assignment (ILA) and Credit Line Increase (CLI) policies. Through an initial diagnostic and an analytic deep- dive, 2OS developed new initial lines and CLI strategy to improve member engagement and profits.

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Identifying BIN Fraud

An international bank enlisted 2OS to help spot and stop BIN Attacks. After analyzing the client’s data, 2OS identified four new rules that were effective in picking up previously undetected attacks while also minimizing the false positive rate.

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Mortgage Risk Segmentations

An international bank, worried about future rises in variable interest rates, approached 2OS to help identify the customers most at-risk within its home loans portfolio. The client wanted the 2OS team to build out a risk segmentation along with contact and offer strategies for each segment.

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Credit Line Increase Policies

A mid-sized lender in the US approached 2OS to aid in the optimization of its current credit line increase (CLI) policy. Through an initial diagnostic and an analytic deep-dive, 2OS developed several tests and new CLI programs for the client to implement in order to continue its high growth rate.

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Stopping Fraud with Data Analytics

A large Latin American Fintech approached 2OS with an urgent fraud problem that needed diagnosis. We were able to not only deal with the timely attack, but also identified new areas of weakness and implemented stronger defenses.

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2OS Approach to Credit Due Diligences

PE firms often rely on 2OS’s expertise in the lending space to advise them understanding outstanding loan portfolios in M&A opportunities.

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Cutting Edge Credit Risk Modeling

2OS worked with a major international bank to redesign their machine learning model responsible for predicting risk on delinquent personal loan accounts.

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Collections Strategy

A client needed help increasing enrollment in their deferral/payment programs. so our team helped them review their application process and ran analytics on the increased value from the enrollment strategy.

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